
[[ RELAtiONShiPS ]]

ALL RELAtiONShiPS ENd UP thE SAME thAtS WhY i ChOOSE NOt tO bE iN ONE, && fOR ALL thE NiGGAS tHAt SAY "Ohhh iM diffERENt bLAhh iMMA tREAt YOU bEttER dONt bE StUCk ON WhAt tHE LASt NiGGA did tO YOU CUZ iMMA dO YOU RiGht && i WiLL NEVER EVER tREAt YOU LikE thAt" hAhAhAhA thAtS thE fUNNiESt Shit iVE EVER hEARd iN MY dAMN LifE LOL ;] MUChh bEttER tO bE SiNGLE i CAN CONCENtRAtE ON ME && GEt MY Shit tOGEthER tO StARt MY LifE iM tO YOUNG tO bE dEALiN With dOOdES! LOL SO iMMA dO ME!

WhAT fEMALES fUkkS With ME!? :D

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hell yeahh I feel u! Its funny to cuz mosst of tha guys who think their different or say that are. Really aren't! Lol. Stupid guys! But I feel u. Jsst focus on doin u, and he'll come to u one day! :)